Kalau kamu gaul, pasti udah ga asing lagi mendengar nama Mavi Marmara, terkait berita penyerangan tentara Israel terhadap kapal bantuan kemanusiaan ke Gaza, Palestina.
Tapi tahukah kamu apa itu Mavi Marmara?
Aku tahu dong!! :p
Awalnya sempat bingung antara Mavi Marmara dan Flotilla, setelah googling, jadi tahu kalo Flotilla itu sebutan untuk pasukan (??) kapal perang, jadi ada beberapa kapal (terjemahan bebas dari sini). Nah, Mavi Marmara itu adalah nama kapal.
kalo menurut wikipedia:
MV Mavi Marmara (English: Blue Marmara) is a Comoros-flagged [7] passenger ship, which was formerly owned and operated by Istanbul Fast Ferries Co. Inc. (Turkish: İstanbul Deniz Otobüsleri A.Ş.) (IDO) on the line Sarayburnu, Istanbul-Marmara Island-Avşa Island in the Sea of Marmara. Built at the Golden Gate Shipyard by Turkish Shipbuilding Co. in 1994, the ship has a capacity of 1,080 passengers.[6]
The ship was purchased in 2010 by an Islamic charity IHH (İnsani Yardım Vakfı), the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedom and Humanitarian Relief. It joined a flotilla of ships operated by activist groups from 32 different countries including Jewish and Christian volunteers bringing 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip, blockaded by Egypt and Israel since 2007. The İHH acquired the ship at a cost of $800,000, to be defrayed by public donations, as no shipowner was willing to risk their vessel on the journey.[1]
On 31 May 2010, while in route to Gaza, the MV Mavi Marmara was intercepted and overtaken by Israeli Defense Forces within international waters. The ship was stormed by Israeli naval forces upon noncompliance with warnings and orders to halt. The Gaza flotilla raid left at least nine activists dead and up to sixty activists and ten IDF soldiers injured
Sekarang udah tau kan?
Jadi Mavi itu dari bahasa Turki, artinya Biru.
Nama blog ini Mavie, agak-agak maksain singkatan namaku dengan bahasa perancis ma vie (english: my life), artinya (ke)hidup(an)ku. Kira-kira blog ini jadi ikutan ngetop ga ya??? HaHaha... :D
Tapi sayangnya misi Mavi Marmara tidak sampai ke Gaza, tertahan pasukan militer Israel di laut (cari dan baca sendiri berita selengkapnya ya? banyak kok!). Aktivis kemanusiaan yang ada di kapal itu dideportasi, termasuk 12 orang dari Indonesia. Misi Mavi Marmara dilanjutkan oleh Rachel Corrie
Apa dan siapa Rachel Corrie? silahkan klik link di atas. Inspiring life story, sa vie (her life), pour ma vie.
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