22 October 2011

Bangun Ruang

Hasil karya anak-anak kelas 1 sd.
Lagi belajar Matematika, geometri, membuat bangun ruang dari tusuk gigi dan plastisin (malam/lilin mainan). Setelah membuat bangun ruang dasar (kubus, balok, prisma, limas), anak-anak bebas berkreasi. Dari 5 kelompok yang jadi cuma 2. Tapi keren kan?? Kalah deh gurunya :p
Good job kids! :))

Jadi pengen norak... motoin hasil karya anak-anak terus ku posting disini :D

Meet The Bears

Last thursday, on 13th Oct 2011, I went to Sun Bear enclosure (KWPLH, Kawasan Wisata Pendidikan Lingkungan Hidup). It is located about 23 km from Balikpapan city.
This is my 2nd time visited KWPLH. when first time i visited KWPLH, i didn't know that The Bears there, have eating time, twice a day, at 9am and 3pm. so if we come in the wrong time, we can't see the Bears, because they usually go to the forest.

Lucky me! this time, i could see the Bears nearly closely, and i have a better camera to take some shoots :p

at KWPLH, there are also an exhibition where we can get information about sun bear, a playground for children, and Cat House where we can adopt cat.

Sun bear (helarctos malayanus eurispylus) is an endemic animal of Borneo island, and it is the mascot of Balikpapan city, Indonesia :))

Sun Bears have been protected in Indonesia since 1973.

Save the forest, save the sun bears! Would you?